
Laser Surgery

More in Laser Surgery

Make the Diagnosis: Should She Be Worried About This Growth on Her Finger?

A 65-year-old woman visited her doctor about a growth that developed on her finger 2 months prior. Can you diagnose the patient?

May 08, 2024
Image of a woman's fingers with a bump on one of them.
Impaired Neurodevelopment in Preemies Screened for Retinopathy: Nature or Nurture?

Study highlights role of insurance type/socioeconomic factors in neurodevelopmental outcomes

Nov 18, 2023
A photo of a female physician examining the eye of a premature infant.
Heart Injuries Suggest Reconsideration of Holding BP Meds for Surgery

Pause on ACE inhibitors, ARBs yields more acute hypertension with no prevention of hypotension

Nov 06, 2023
A photo of a senior woman sitting on an operating table prior to surgery.
Combo Anesthesia During Retinal Laser Treatment Reduced Pain Perception

Topical and subconjunctival technique also reduced treatment interruptions

Sep 08, 2023
A fundus photo showing scatter laser surgery for diabetic retinopathy
Study Throws Shade on Cost, Benefits of Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery

Higher cost, less quality-adjusted benefit with FLACS versus standard phacoemulsification

May 19, 2023
A photo of male surgeons performing laser-assisted cataract surgery on a female patient.
The Eye Surgery Turf War Isn't Serving Veterans

The VA should hold strong to its updated care guidelines

Dec 28, 2022
A photo of a male ophthalmologist standing in his office.
FDA's Proposed LASIK Warning May Leave Patients Less Informed

The agency's recommendations should balance risk with benefit

Dec 21, 2022
A photo of ophthalmologists performing LASIK surgery on a female client.
Keep Eye Surgery in the Hands of Ophthalmologists

The VA's updated eye care guidelines will lower the standard of care for veterans

Dec 04, 2022
A photo of a surgeon performing eye surgery on a female patient.
Outpatient Centers Cautiously Open Doors to Surgery for People With Cardiac Devices

Will those with CIEDs become regular patients at ambulatory surgery centers within a decade?

Oct 25, 2022
ASA over a photo of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana
Long-Term LASIK Outcomes in Myopia Beat Out Rival SMILE Procedure

Results point to effectiveness of LASIK in more challenging cases, researcher says

Nov 16, 2021
AAO over a photo of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, LA.
No Clarity for Role of Laser Therapy in Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus

Mixed results from two small randomized clinical trials

May 10, 2021
A close up of a laser skin treatment
How to Do Surgery on Mars

Remote surgery ... in space

Apr 22, 2021
The YouTube thumbnail with Dr. Rohin Francis, MBBS and the words: Wait it’s red because of blood? Always has been.
Op-Ed: Gym for Surgeons?

To perform like athletes, surgeons need to train like athletes

Dec 26, 2020
Surgeons practice on a surgical dummy
Arkansas Ballot Issue Pits Ophthalmologists Against Optometrists

Ophthalmologists want to undo law allowing lesser-educated rivals to perform some laser surgery

Sep 11, 2020
A person lies covered in surgical cloth, their eye is held open by forceps, a surgeons gloved hands are moving.
More in Laser Surgery