Tell Congress to 'SAVE' Us

— Write to your representatives and senators to help prevent violence against healthcare workers

 A photo of the US Congress chambers during a recess.

Those of us who go into healthcare do so to help others. Regardless of specialty, we dedicate our professional careers to treating our patients. Yet, recently, it seems like those we strive to heal are actively trying to kill us.

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, a disgruntled patient gunned down his physician and three others. Less than a week later, a patient stabbed three emergency department workers in Los Angeles. In response, Representatives Madeleine Dean (D-Pa.) and Larry Bucshon, MD (R-Ind.), introduced the , which seeks to stem the tide of violence against us. I urge my fellow healthcare workers, as well as members of the general public, to write to your representatives and senators to support this bill. It is long overdue.

While Tulsa and Los Angeles were two well-publicized cases of violence against healthcare workers, the sad truth is that violence in healthcare is very prevalent. Healthcare is a dangerous field all across the country, and in many parts of the world as well. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, healthcare providers experience workplace violence at a rate than other employees in private industry (based on 2002-2013 data). In fact, the number of workplace violence incidents in the healthcare industry almost every other industry combined.

Anecdotally, it seems as though practically everyone in healthcare has a personal story of how workplace violence or emotional abuse has affected them or someone they know. For me, I consider myself very lucky to have never been physically assaulted while at work. Yet, many of my colleagues have not been as fortunate. One of my good friends was a nurse where I trained and got kicked in the chest by a patient. She needed x-rays to make sure she didn't have any broken ribs. Stories like these are not uncommon.

This status quo is unacceptable. So, how can the SAVE Act help stem this wave of violence? The legislation would strengthen the possible punishments facing those who assault healthcare workers, potentially acting as a deterrent. In fact, if passed, it would grant healthcare workers the same federal protections from threats and physical assault that airline employees currently enjoy. That means anyone found guilty of intentionally assaulting a healthcare worker could face up to 20 years in prison.

Quite frankly, Congress must pass this bill. Politicians have been effusive in their praise of our work during the coronavirus pandemic. It's time for them to turn their words into actions. Praising healthcare workers has been a bipartisan endeavor; passing laws to protect us should be too.

As Congress begins to debate this bill, we must make our voices heard. I urge my fellow healthcare workers to write to your senators and representatives advocating for this legislation. Share your stories of how workplace violence has impacted you. More importantly, show your support for this legislation and demand its passage. While this bill should generate bipartisan support, I also have no doubt that it will have its detractors. As the group that would be most impacted by this bill, we must remain active and engaged in the debate.

Those of us who went into the healthcare field did so to protect life and help people feel comfortable. We, just like every other American, deserve to feel safe when we go to work. Workplace violence has sadly become the norm in healthcare. But that doesn't mean we have to accept it. I applaud Representatives Dean and Bucshon for recognizing this important issue and taking action. Now, it's on all of us to act to show our support for this long overdue and much needed bill.

Greg Jasani, MD, is an emergency medicine physician who lives and works in Baltimore.