Op-Ed: Penn Jillette's Weight Loss Wasn't Magic

— The magician recently lost 105 pounds, but he may not be a role model.


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Master illusionist Penn Jillette, of Penn and Teller, recently lost 105 pounds, and not with a supplement or gimmick but with strict diet and exercise. His incentive went beyond vanity; he was on several medications to manage his high blood pressure and he weighed 330 pounds. When Jillette's doctor told him, "If you got down to 230 you probably wouldn't need any of the meds," he decided to change, he told on April 8.

His strategy? He ate 1,000 calories a day and lost just under 1 pound a day, from last December through March of this year, for a total loss of 105 pounds. Now at 225 he no longer needs his meds and finds he has more energy. Take a bow, Penn, but read on.

It's Not Magic

His diet? Jillette went vegan. He now eats no animal products, no processed grains, no added sugar or salt. Jillette got what he wanted from his weight loss -- he's healthier, no doubt. But no magic was performed here. Jillette lost weight because he "extreme dieted." When you're 6'7" and 330 pounds (150 kg), it takes a lot of calories to just maintain that weight; at least 3,300 per day at bare minimum and likely 4,000 or more. So 1,000 calories a day represents probably a 3,000 calorie deficit for this man, enough to explain his 0.9 pound per day weight loss.

Keep in mind that just going vegan didn't produce the weight loss, either. He'd have lost weight by eating 1,000 calories of anything. I'm glad he ate healthy foods, but there are some risks when you start out at 330 pounds and drastically cut your intake for months.

First, he not only cut calories, he cut needed nutrients as well. I don't push supplements, but there's no way this guy can get every vitamin and mineral he needs into 1,000 calories a day. I'd have recommended a complete multivitamin/mineral supplement and additional calcium with vitamin D as well (it's not clear if he took supplements).

Second, at his starting weight, Jillette needs at least 0.8 grams of protein/kg daily, according to the for protein, for about 120 grams of protein daily. That would take up 528 calories -- more than half his total for the day. This is a bare minimum and I'd probably advise him to take in more protein for that weight, just to help prevent him from losing muscle mass when he loses body weight.

Now that he's adopted veganism, Jillette will need to pay attention to vitamin B12. I don't doubt that his vegan diet is an improvement from his pre-weight-loss eating style, but without animal foods he severely cuts his sources of B12, unless he eats some fortified foods (cereals, some soy foods, and yeast are just a few). The multivitamin supplement can help out here as well. Over the long term, that calcium/vitamin D supplement I'd have recommended during his weight loss should probably be continued, as he's not likely to get enough from his diet unless he has three cups of calcium-fortified soy milk per day.

The Spinach Effect

Jillette told People he was now eating "unbelievable amounts of food, but just very, very, very healthy food." If the volume of food in his diet is high, and the calorie count is low, then he's likely eating a lot of raw vegetables and some fruits. Heavy on the green leafies, no doubt, and that's good, because he'll be getting lots of fiber and other good nutrients.

But it takes more than that to have a healthy diet. It takes balance. If you lived on nothing but spinach, your diet would contain only healthy foods but it wouldn't be healthy. That's the "spinach effect." Balance is about getting enough of everything but not too much of anything. Extremes don't often wear too well over time, especially after a year or more. The problem Jillette may face over the long term is maintaining his weight loss and his limited diet.

Taking It to the Extreme

Jillette is an extreme guy on many levels. His height alone is extreme. Penn and Teller's magic and illusionism -- among the best you'll ever witness -- is amazing but also extreme. In an interview, Jillette's personality is as extreme as it engaging. It stands to reason that he'd choose an extreme diet. And he did.

It doesn't mean you should. His diet is not for everyone. Indeed, I'm not sure it's the best one for him either. Once you start eliminating most of your calories and whole food groups, you may lose weight quickly, but over time, passion can wane.

It's only been a few months, so Jillette is still in his -- ahem -- salad days. I'm rooting for him. He's started an exercise regimen that's 7 minutes a day of targeted activity. That might need to step up after a while, Penn. Even more, I hope he balances his diet -- vegan or not -- and stays with some regular physical activity. He said he could probably fit in a doughnut here and there but has no desire to. Jillette's personality may never have been associated with the word "regular" but his lifestyle may need to be to ensure long-term maintenance of his weight and health.

And that's no illusion.

, is an associate professor of pediatrics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.


Ayoob disclosed relationships with McCormick Spice Institute, Hass Avocados, Calorie Control Council, the Walt Disney Company, Monsanto, and the Milk Processor Education Program.